On-Demand Recording: Innovation Is Not Negotiable (Telstra)
For many large, mature businesses, innovation is not easy to drive. There are often many blockers of change and navigating multiple layers of bureaucracy can seem an impossible feat. But for Telstra, innovation is simply not negotiable. Under the guidance of Mick Sheehy, General Counsel, Finance and Strategy, Telstra’s in-house legal team has become one of the preeminent in-house operations.
In this recorded session from Legal Innovation and Tech Fest 2016, hear how deploying design thinking and driving agile innovation have played key roles in Tesltra’s innovation agenda.
Mick shares key tips and tricks to navigate bureaucracy and overcome blockers of change. This session explores breakthroughs in knowledge management, Telstra’s success in reducing low value work and the huge benefits derived from the smarter use of alternate legal providers.
Download this recorded session (audio synched with slides) to discover:
- Tips and tricks to navigate bureaucracy and other blockers of innovation
- Telstra’s “Simplify, Serve, Save” strategy
- Benefits of a design thinking approach
- Strategies for reducing low value work and smarter use of alternate legal providers
- The importance of measuring and communicating the value of innovation
About the Speaker
Mick Sheehy is Telstra’s General Counsel of Finance & Strategy. With an extensive M&A background and 20 years’ experience working on transactions in Australia, US, Europe and Asia, Mick is passionate about innovation in the legal industry and the opportunities for lawyers to continually add more value to their clients.
Mick was a popular presenter at Legal Innovation & Tech Fest 2016