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Petra Stirling

Petra Stirling

Director of Operations, Risk and Transformation, Legal, Westpac Group

Preparing the In-House Legal Team for a Cyber-Breach World

The modern in-house legal team faces a major challenge in managing data, cyber risk, and records. In this session, leaders from Australia’s largest Corporate Legal Team will share insights into managing their data footprint and preparing for the AI-enabled Legal Team.

Drawing on recent projects and lived case studies, the session offers insights into best practice legal data management, big changes in the management of outside counsel and their use of company data, and the management of a large cyber incident.

Learn from Westpac Leaders how they managed a large cyber incident at a panel service provider, where 4Tb data was exfiltrated from an outside firm. This challenging case study demonstrates the critical importance of an Operational Cyber Playbook for legal teams and their outside counsel.

In this session, we will explore and develop best practice data minimisation and records management techniques, prepare the Legal team for AI enablement, and explore methods to manage large cyber incident responses.

Join us at the Legal Innovation and Tech Fest to learn from industry leaders and prepare your in-house legal team for a cyber-breach world.

About Petra

As an experienced professional and financial services leader, Petra leads the change agenda for top Australian legal firms. In her current role, she heads the Westpac Legal and Secretariat Operations, Risk and Transformation team, which has won awards for its innovative approach to legal operations, digital transformation and agile delivery. Petra has received the Legal Operations Professional of the year | Women in Law Awards and the Corporate Legal Departments People and Skills Award | FT Innovative Lawyers Asia-Pacific Awards. Petra is a popular speaker on how to achieve transformational change through Legal Operations and regularly speaks at CLOC Australasia Chapter, ACC, and other industry events.
